Inch by Inch, Row by Row, Gee I’ve had it with this Snow

Golly gee, I wonder what on earth could be making me feel so droopy?  Could it possibly be this–

You might not recognize that shiny metal thing, but that’s what I was going to use to help these guys along–

Oh my sweet sweet snap peas.  Hang in there.  You too, my poor brave blossoms.  Confidently you woke to greet May 12th, and harshly you got slapped down by Mama Nature.  She’s sure been in a foul mood lately.

But hey, it’s okay.  I have found my happy place.  It’s right here, with John Denver, his Garden Song and the Muppet veggie singers.

3 Replies to “Inch by Inch, Row by Row, Gee I’ve had it with this Snow”

  1. Just what I needed to brighten this snowy day! Do you think that playing this song in the garden will help the plants grow for real? 🙂

  2. My radishes and spinach are loving this snow too. 70s/80s are just around the corner. 🙂

  3. He’s also got a great funny song called “Home Grown Tomatoes” that you should check out!

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